Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

"...There are no rich. There are no middle class. There are no poor..."

There is no factual basis for your words, either, Rand boyo.

Although, it's nice some have some appreciation of what they're plundering and what they're willing to do to feed their needs, and others have an appreciation of why they're plundering it.

Of course, the older, more experienced, hedge fund manager types have their trophy wives, their bloodlines, and pious lifestyles to consider... these all help them make even more money to feed their more mature vices.

Mustn't tell the kids...

And if you vocally don't appreciate the plunder? Why, at the very least you'll end up like Olbermann, hammered by his bosses for giving to the Democrats a fraction of what they gave to the Republicans. But you have to understand: our betters don't have to obey the same rules we do.

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