We have the spectacle of America and at least two other nations (Saudi Arabia and Iran) going at it in Iraq. Four if you count the secular Ba'athist Sunnis allied with many in Syria. But really, the subdivisions continue to grow, until you have pretty much every tribal clan in the Middle East going at it against everyone else.
And the world's largest private equity group egging it all on and set to profit from all angles.
Lambert and Correntewire have been following this well.
The Saudis are long time financial partners and supporters of the Bu$h family and especially Dear Leader- who is himself a long time friend of Prince Bandar Bu$h.
The Saudis- including Prince Bandar- bankrolled Al Qaeda, an organization the CIA helped put together to fight in Afghanistan against the Russians and who later formed the fundamentalist Taliban.
Al Qaeda, with Saudi hijackers among others, none Iraqi, precipitated 9-11.
The Saudis encouraged the Bu$h administration to bring down the secular Sunnis in the Ba'ath party when they invaded Iraq.
Now, they insist America keep troops there, supporting a government of the Iraqi Shia, who are closely allied to Iran.
Sunni Wahhabis are fighting secuular Sunnis who are fighting Shia, whom the United States are supporting even as they send Special Forces into covert missions to fight Iranian Shia.

Chaos is the plan.
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