NaomiC asks a really good question: what happens when the private contractors of Iraq are brought home? In doing so she links to two interesting sites, her (and her husband's) own, and another very good but relatively new site, The Spy Who Billed Me.
When they return, most of the private contractors will find steady employment working for members of the Rethuglican party.

Assuming of course the Democrats win enough at home to end the debacle in the first place.
There will be dirty deeds in need of being done dirt cheap as the Rethuglicans seize control from the weak minded DINOcrats. Well, dirt cheap at first anyway. The private contractors, or at least their captains of industrial espionage and warfare, will realize that their only hope for another blank check will be under a Rethuglican administration.
It seems Gingrich, at least will be looking for a few good Storm Troopers. He's not interested in the popular vote. He just wants supporters powerful enough to propel him into the Presidency regardless.

The Aristocrats of the Carlyle Group haven't the faintest idea what Beast they've unleashed on themselves and the rest of us. Over 50,000 private security contractors will be brought home after Iraq ends. These are the same people (only at the DNA level) that joyride through Baghdad taking potshots at civilians. These are the same orcs that set up a business in human trafficking out of Bosnia and Iraq.

But think about it: we don't have to wait until the war's over.
In order for this to have happened in the first place, the orcs had to be here to begin with.

1 comment:
So who's going to pay for THEIR post Tramatic Stress Syndrome?
Do you suppose they will have full medical from their contractor?
Will they be uneligable for coverage at a new place of work because of their pre-existing condition?
I remember reading a story about laid -off Enron employee's signing up for jobs in Iraq. I wonder if they are still there.
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