Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Aggressive Retreat

The Dark Wraith points to the emergence of an independent Palin campaign in Florida.

I have only one point of disagreement with his excellent post.

...the ashes of defeat the Republicans will suffer in the election rout three days from now...

We can only hope this is correct.

The Professor assumes the ballots are recorded and counted in a legitimate fashion. It seems nothing like this will occur. There will be pervasive attempts to manipulate the vote which only an overwhelming turnout for Obama will serve to override effectively.

It could be that the Palin campaign merely steals enough to throw the result into question among the Faithful. It could be that they raise enough of a stink with white collar and fake plumber poll unrest to throw it to the Supreme Court. However, with recent ruiings on Ohio and Michigan, it could be the Judiciary is following the wishes of the Corp Cons who view Palin as too destabilizing. Either way, the stage is set, as the Wraith accurately predicts, for an extreme Right insurgency among the voters.

Or it could be the covert, private contractor-run Fourth Branch eagerly embraces a menage a trois with the Palins. There is a couple whose corrupt hypocrisy and facile manipulability provide an open road to the authoritarian state the Wraith so correctly envisions as the inevitable result of coupling an illiterate electorate with a venal group of oligarchs. All it would take is another capitulation like Kerry's in 2004.

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