Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The NeoLiberals Pitch for the War on Terra

The New York Pravda loves war when it wears a humanitarian mask.

Let give a quote from an Iraq war veteran to clarify exactly what is going on here.
Michael Prysner:

"...I spent 12 months in Iraq, doing everything from prisoner interrogations, to ground surveillance missions, to home raids. It was my firsthad experiences in Iraq that radicalized me. I believed I was going to Iraq to help liberate and better the lives of an oppressed people, but I soon realized that my purpose in Iraq was to be the oppressor, and to clear the way for U.S. corporations with no regard for human life.

“I separated from the Army in 2005, by which time I had begun to make sense of my experiences in Iraq, and understood that the occupation I was a part of was a crime against humanity. I understood that illegal conquering of Iraq was for profit, carried out by a system that serves a tiny class of superrich whose endless drive for wealth is at the expense of working people in the United States and abroad..."

An obvious terrorist against the 'Merikan way.

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