Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

You can't be disappointed if you're not appointed first

Avedon says what many are thinking about the manifest agenda of the Oborg:

...I am so disappointed in people... who appear to think that supporting the neoliberals is the "realistic" approach to progressivism. No, it isn't. It's the design of corporatist conservatives.

...we need to fight the corporations, not lay down for them. Obama and the Democratic leadership are pushing right-wing corporate policies. That's not a theory. And it's not about "ideology" in the sense these comfortable gentlemen are speaking when they explain that we have to be "pragmatic" and "realistic". It's about hungry bellies and broken limbs that might be yours and your children's and siblings' and friends' in the very near future. This isn't abstract; it's about the simple, obvious fact that which way the money goes determines how our lives go. Our lives. We don't actually care about which politician you happened to fall in love with...

Meanwhile, Dean Baker notes that all the news that's fit to print isn't exactly news but more like policy infotainment:

...To end the decade, the Washington Post acknowledged that it is no longer a serious newspaper. It ran a piece written by the Peter Peterson Foundation financed Fiscal Times as a regular news article.

The piece conveys Peterson's view that there is a drastic budget crisis which requires circumventing normal congressional procedures. It implies that the huge surge in deficit in the last year was attributable to the irresponsibility of Congress rather than an economic collapse that resulted from incredibly incompetent policy and Wall Street greed.

No serious newspaper would publish a piece from an obviously interested party like the Peterson Foundation as a news story. Apparently the Post decided that its future no longer is in serious news...

The Washington Pravda is a $erious newspaper reporting all the news that's bought to print.

The net result of the same corporations owning both parties and all the main$tream media is that a real discussion of the real issues won't ever really be available or discussed, in the press or the halls of the government.

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