Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Monday, December 07, 2009

One term wondering why whine

The beast comes slouching over the horizon, and our DINOrat leaders are alarmed at the lack of Unity among those that Hope for Change.

Ian has something to say you should consider:

When 40% of democrats don’t want to vote, the solution is not to tell them to vote. The solution is to institute policies which make them want to vote. That’s up to Obama and Congress, it is in their hands.

People do not get excited by the lesser evil, and while those of us who studied Obama in detail knew he was a conservative democrat, the overarching themes and rhetoric of his campaign amounted to “Big Change for the better!!”

He has not delivered on that and it is to be expected that people will be disappointed in him. To expect otherwise is remarkably naive.

Remember the last few years of Bush? All those conservatives trying to say “no really, the economy is better than it feels to you, I have numbers”?

This is the same sort of thing. Trying to tell people “no really, it’s not so bad” doesn’t work when their experience is “Yeah, this sucks and no, you didn’t do what I think you said you’d do”.

People feel betrayed, and they should, because Obama has signed on with giving trillions to rich people and screwing over the middle and working class. Trust me on this, that’s what’s happening and will happen. The next twenty years economically are going to be worse than the last twenty, and Obama had options which would have made that not so.

Furthermore, only people who threaten to walk, get things. If you will vote Obama/Democrat no matter what, why would they give you anything?

They wouldn’t, and they won’t.

If the DINOcrats don't turn over for better Democrats next year they will lose Congress.

If the One does grow a pair of balls and start dancing with the people that brought him instead of those that bought him, he will lose in 2012. But then again, give the $ystem the One presides over, without Company money and approval, his campaign is dead in the water. Egregious transgressions against Company policy will doubtless be met, as the spy novels used to say, by Sanction with Prejudice.

In fifty years, there will be no more fossil fuels. Smoke that in your electoral pipes. The oligarchs, at least the ones with eternal dynastic yearnings, have and enjoy the aroma of a set of circumstances that will leave them forever at the top of the heap.

The goal of those gaming the current politico-economic situation is to use the military industrial complex and the greatest disinformation machinery in the world to produce one thing.

A post-industrial neo-feudal society, where the Right people with the Right stuff live in a global Village supported by obedient working serfs, themselves forever grateful eloi to the Company morelocks.

It takes a pyramid to support the capstone, and what we're seeing is a populace being set into the foundations as the learned helplessness grows.

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