Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Before the Plunge

Quoth the Dark Wraith:

When John McCain becomes President, somebody should kick both Clinton and Obama in the ass: Clinton for being willing to wreck the Dems' chances just so she can be the nominee; Obama for not kicking Clinton in the ass before she wrecked the Dems' chances.

(Not, by the way, that any of these lousy finalists are what this country needs; but then again, this is the electorate that votes by the tens of millions for absolute morons like George W. Bush. That means this country won't get what it needs, but it will get what it deserves.)

A word link from the farmer to one of Molly Ivins's last posts:

...I understand Hillary's sense of outrage. It makes me mad too. Sure, we lost our base in the South; our boys voted for Gingrich. But let me tell you something. I know these boys. I grew up with them. Hardworking, poor, white boys, who feel left out, feel that our reforms always come at their expense. Think about it, every progressive advance our country has made since the Civil War has been on their backs. They're the ones asked to pay the price of progress. Now, we are the party of progress, but let me tell you, until we find a way to include these boys in our programs, until we stop making them pay the whole price of liberty for others, we are never going to unite our party, never really going to have change that sticks...

Of course, change that sticks isn't part of the program. Chaos is.

There's a lot of posts over at Common Dreams tonight that see the writing on the wall, or the stains in the porcelain as we swirl down the drain.

Ted Rall says the Calvary Isn't Coming:

...There is no short-term fix. In the long term, we must put more money into more people’s pockets. That means higher wages and lower taxes for the poor and middle class. Some of what is needed is easy to see: a more progressive tax code, repealing laws that allow employers to harass and fire those who try to organize unions, nationalizing industries run by vampire capitalists — health insurers, private hospitals, colleges and universities. Banks encourage predatory lending while stifling saving. They ought to be re-regulated. What madness permits them to charge 30 percent on credit cards while paying one percent on passbook savings accounts?

More — much more — is necessary to prevent the wholesale collapse of the U.S. economic system. A maximum wage should be imposed — the highest paid American should earn no more than ten times the lowest paid. I know, I know — none of this will happen. There will be nothing but Band-Aids and lazy rhetoric as we plummet into the abyss. It cannot be otherwise, for our politics are ossified, the media is corporatized, and we the people are dull and apathetic.

The Old Ones must be pleased.

Jim Goodman sees the nature of the next bubble for Wall Street to speculate on:

..An abundance of food is something we take for granted, but we have money. Collectively as a nation, food has always been there, and we could buy whatever we wanted. What if that changed? What if food became really scarce and really expensive? Could it happen? It has already started.

* Total world stocks of all grains are close to their lowest level in 30 years.
* USDA predicts wheat surpluses to be the smallest in 60 years.
* A virulent strain of wheat rust that can reduce yields to zero is spreading worldwide.
* Wheat prices have risen well over 50 percent from a year ago.
* The FAO cites 37 countries as facing a food crisis due to rising prices.

Food price is dependent on the price and availability of grain. Since 1960 the world grain harvest has tripled, and the world population has doubled. So why isn’t there more grain available at a lower price? Why have the prices jumped?

You might think a jump in food prices might be good for farmers, but not if they're all Monsanto.

If you like what the Corpocracy has done for real estate and credit, then you'll just love what they do for cuisine.

Soylent Green, anyone?

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