Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Shockin' and Awesome

It's another Petraeus pangyric in The New York Pravda.

I won't quote it. It's a build-up to the Petraeus and Crocker Show [tip o'the tinfoil to Paul Craig Roberts at Counterpunch] this week, where we hear how the shockin' awesome Iraqi war needs a new front against Iran to help the Iraqi government, even though the Iraqi government likes Iran, asked Iran to broker a cease-fire with Sadr, and asked Petraeus to leave.

Will the Congresscritters ask Petraeus about this, this week?

Are you kidding? And spoil his chance to be the Awesomest VP choice evah for St. John Mc$ame?

Yes, you read it right here: a Mc$ame-Betrayus ticket in '08 could be shockin' and awesome. Especially for those of you who want World War III for Xmas in '09.

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