Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, April 04, 2008

The Fourth Branch DeRIdes Again

Here's the key to the Chinese "espionage" scapegoating I posted about yesterday, buried at the end of The Washington Pravda's little propaganda piece:

...Mak, who testified in his defense at his six-week trial, denied he was a spy and said the information he copied was available from nonclassified sources on the Internet. Defense witnesses said that much, if not all, of the documents acquired by Mak were not officially classified, though transmitting them to China was prohibited under U.S. export laws...

Which leads me to post a good comment to this:

...Who took the American people off our farms and out of our factories, and made us into mindless consumers, completely uninterested in where our food and technology comes from or how it gets here? Communists? Socialists? Progressives? Democrats?

Try Wall Street and Madison Avenue.

Who watered down the educational standards in science so people couldn't figure out what was really going on and didn't want to study hard subjects because foreign scientists could be hired for nearly nothing and then flooded the country with cheap, imported, hypnotic technology designed only for entertainment and recreation, which require deep knowledge of mathematics and physics to construct, but none to use? Communists? Socialists? Progressives? Democrats?

Try big oil, the auto industry, big business, and the CEO class of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Milken, Boesky, Skilling, et al-- and don't forget those wonders of corporate socialism like Enron and Halliburton who've been sucking on the public teat for decades.

Who outsourced all of the good jobs from America in order to bolster the 'productivity' of 'American' corporations and increase the profits of stockholders by 12% per year-- year after year-- spiking the Dow Jones from about 1000 or so when Reagan was de-regulator-in-chief to 14,000 where it is now with the 'decider' running the show? Democrats? Communists? Socialists? Progressives?

No, no, no, no, no.

All those groups suck, and I don't like any of them much-- especially the Democrats, but the Republican Party has been about putting Robber Barons in power since Lincoln was assassinated-- they took us over the falls in '29, they used the Cold War as cover to undercut democracy around the world so corporations could have access to cheap labor, and when even that wasn't enough they sold the country to China over the last 20 years. Their systematic opposition to and denial of science-- like for instance evolution, global warming, and what goes up must come down-- has put us on the brink of disaster...

Like Dear Leader Bu$hie, the real robber barons don't even want to bail out their own in trouble, much less the little people and the world they live in. Why? Because they figure their insulation from it all is perfect and seamless, and what ever befalls the masses, they'll end up on top. To them, Might makes Right.

They use Chinese and Chinese-Americans to develop their terrible war machine, and discard them to suit their propaganda purposes when they want a scapegoat in a $election year.

That most of the technical advances of the last 50 years have depended on the ingenuity and expertise and hard work of the Chinese- and everyone else involved- means nothing to them. That the robber barons themselves are intrinsically capable of producing none of the world they plunder has no impact on them. They're aristocrats, and theft and politics and lies are their skills.

A good trick is all they appreciate- if they get away with it.

The prospect of War with China has no downside to them. It's more WarBucks for Daddy, after all. It won't, until the doors to their secret bunkers in undisclosed locations are smashed, and their world of fantasy melts in the light of a bitter day.

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