Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The more things Change the more they stay the $trange

Avedon is reiterating that Barry O. is more of the $ame, while pointing to this lovely little piece by Ron Beasley:

...Those of us who voted for Barack Obama and cheered his victory thought we could see a potential greatness. That greatness required the change Obama talked about change but has yet to deliver. What I see is Obama's ego accepting a half ass health care plan so he can claim a victory. Politics as usual not change you can believe in.

Superficial change does seem to be the only change you can count on.

Don't count on getting even that half ass health care plan the way the main$tream has begun to hyperventilate and the DINOcrats have begun to equivocate. The talking heads are all saying that Barry O.'s fall in the polls is a right wing resurgence even though anyone with two live neurons to slap together realizes that something altogether different has happened.

Barry O. has blown off the Progressive Liberals, and they are pretty much parting ways. Jamie Dimon and The Rahmster's moved the J.P. Morgan Chase bankster board meetings to D.C. and The Rahmster's sitting in on the action. The Oborg D.o'J.'s fired the whistlerblower who uncovered Karl Rove's actions to railroad former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman [thanks WGG].

The pigs are walking on two legs, drinking a toast with their former oppressors, who are still planning for bacon.

That's the only Change I can believe in.

I honestly think at some point some Company man played Barry O. the complete Dallas 1963 tapes of what happened to the last genuine reform minded Democrat...

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