Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Circular Firing Squad

It seems what the progressive blogsphere does best.

Robert Schlesinger takes Nancy Pelosi to task for even suggesting that General Shinseki was fired for saying we should have used more troops to secure Iraq.

When in reality, Joint Chiefs only have four year terms anyway.

I like the comments. As a Clinton appointee, he was being emasculated by the administration before his testimony anyway, and the total power of Bu$hCo came to bear upon him after he said what he thought about Darth Rumsfeld's plan. So unlike some voices on the web, I have to disagree. Pelosi might have used a little more precision in how she spoke, but Schlesinger is splitting hairs.

One good read in the comments is this link to a PBS timeline/documentary on the leadup to the war. Check it out.

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