Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Keeping the Treasury Safe For Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman, and General Dynamics

Via Defense Tech:

A few weeks back, it looked like the Pentagon really might go after some of its biggest, fattest weapons programs with an axe. Now, that's looking less likely.

In fact, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Air Force is "looking to secure much of its savings by cutting active and reserve forces, instead of slashing weapons purchases.

"To stay within its expected budget, the Air Force is planning to cut at least 30,000, and perhaps as many as 40,000, uniformed personnel, civilians and contractor-support staff through fiscal 2011, military officials said..."

Is Rumsfeld insane? Or just totally amoral, and almost everyone else in Washington insane for not seeing it?


Jay Taber said...

A military without humans--what a concept. Just lobbyists, contractors, and politicians--a closed loop on the treasury. Now you're talking.

kelley b. said...

Efficient, non?

Evil is all relative. I suspect that this is the kind of situation we'd have with a McCain presidency. But anything beats the scorched earth of the Cheneyburton TheoCons.