Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Exactly what is to be gained by chaos in Iraq?

Or anywhere else the Empire wants to be?

In the old Imperial model, say the British model, a central government controls vassal states, in turn controlled by local strongmen- but vassals nonetheless- or governors.

In the new Imperial model, what, exactly, is to be gained by territory? What good does it do the Company to control Baghdad with American soldiers as enforcers. Nothing!

What's valuable are the resources under the territory, which can be effectively controlled by a series of bases in the wilderness, armed to the teeth, and protecting the oil.

In a country like Iraq, if the people stood together, they might stop the flow of oil.

The simple solution: arm all factions, and set them against each other. Make it impossible for the Shiite government, or the Sunni Ba'athists, or the Sunni Wa'habbi, or the Kurds, or anybody to form any resistance to the will of the Company.

Note that's a different thing than the control of the American government, or the American military. An organization like the American military might like some peace and quiet. If there is peace and quiet, people might get a chance to look around and actually think about what's going on.

If you are part of a multinational consortium who's main goal is to gain control of a limiting resource, you might not want other people to have too much time to think about what you're doing. The different factions might not appreciate that you're draining their nation of its one remaining asset, and keeping that nation from being able to be anything more than a drained husk in the sand a few generations from now. They might even organize against you to stop you.

As goes Iraq, so will go the rest of the world as the fossil fuels are burned up. Recall the supply is an exponential curve: there will be some for a very long time. The goal of the loose coalition of multinationals I call the Company is to maintain control of these supplies as we follow the curve down with time. The easiest way to do this is to sow strife among the multitude of religious and political factions in the world, while the Company keeps its focus on what it knows really matters.

The last one with the most toys at the end runs a world wide hydraulic empire, controlling the limiting resource, fuel and energy. A corrollary to this is that no substitute for fossil fuels will be allowed to develop. As long as the Company controls all energy development, this will be assurred.

Which is the main reason why Darth Cheneyburton's energy policy plans are marked "Top Secret".

Chaos is the plan.


Anonymous said...

Chaos has always been the plan; a cornerstone of neocon plans for endless war; the oil surely one prize; the missing billions in reconstruction money into a chaos so dark no mere mortal could possibly shed light another; but most importantly, keeping your opponents always one or two steps behind, always responding to yesterdays chaos, not todays

Anonymous said...

It's like the movie "They Live", where you discover all this shit is going on right under your noses and you didn't have a clue. While we sleep, these people are getting away with murder, and increasing their control exponentially over the country and the world. Disheartening is a good word to describe how I feel. It makes me want to turn my back to the whole sorry mess so I don't know what is going on, and in not knowing, have some peace of mind. You lay it out and capture for us the depth and the seriousness of what is happening, and for that I am grateful. To have someone, anyone, who is not just another shallow, blind journalist simply parroting what others want to be spread.

There may be no hope, at least in my lifetime, of things turning around. The bad guys really might win this. When they do you and other truth-seekers who refuse to conform may find yourself in little concrete cells constructed by Halliburton, after Martial Law is declared after some future "terra attack" orchestrated by the very people who want to use it to solidify their control over the country once and for all. I truely believe another 9-11 would see the end of our Democracy.

kelley b. said...

Thank you for your kind words. I agree with the "They Live!" analogy. But isn't it better to have the sight to see them?

What the bad guys win is what bad guys win throughout history. This evil wasn't born yesterday. In fact, you've lived with it most of your life.

We live in a world of change, but you control your own destiny in this world. My goal here is to make people aware of the forces that move around them. You should not despair: that would only lead you down the path those who would control everyone want.

Knowledge about the world and what moves it makes you different than most other people.

If this vision of the world is disturbing, understand you can make your decisions to act differently and apart from the herd.

There's lots of historical precedence for that, too.

Feel free to email me if you wish.