Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

What part of paying your way don’t the GOP get?

What Sarah says.

And this, too, by Nick Coleman:

Minneapolis suffered a perfect storm of nightmares Wednesday evening, as anyone who couldn't sleep last night can tell you. Including the parents who clench their jaws and tighten their hands on the wheel every time they drive a carload of strapped-in kids across a steep chasm or a rushing river. Don't panic, you tell yourself. The people in charge of this know what they are doing. They make sure that the bridges stay standing. And if there were a problem, they would tell us. Wouldn't they?

What if they didn't?

The death bridge was "structurally deficient," we now learn, and had a rating of just 50 percent, the threshold for replacement. But no one appears to have erred on the side of public safety. The errors were all the other way.

Would you drive your kids or let your spouse drive over a bridge that had a sign saying, "CAUTION: Fifty-Percent Bridge Ahead"?

Don't blame the engineers, who seem to have evaluated this well.

Blame the federal bureaucrats who would rather fight an endless war for oil than take care of the real national security issues like maintaining the infrastructure of America.

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