Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Just Like September 10th Thinking

One of the big concerns of people who think Bu$hCo-Cheneyburton either Let It Happen or Made It Happen on September 11, 2001 concerns the movement of billions of dollars of money on September 10th, insulating many Company associated people from harm.

Well, it's happening again.

A comment in Juan Cole's post yesterday concerning the Cheneyburton maneuvering to Get Their Iran On in September:

Someone knows something big is going to happen by September 21, 2007. It could be anything that is related to either serious financial decline, China dropping the U.S. Dollar or a big military action. This warning is for real and it is based on the fact that some entity had taken huge 4.7 Billion Dollars CALLS on SPX 700 options, expiring on September 21, that is over 40% decline from today’s price value. The entity or individual offering these sales can only make money if the market drops 40%-50% within the next four weeks. If the market does not drop, the entity or individual involved stands to lose over $1 billion just for engaging in these contracts!

Clearly, someone knows something big is going to happen BEFORE the options expire on Sept. 21.

[These]... huge option trades... also preceded the Insider Job on 9/11.
Although the SEC knows who had taken those options contracts against Airlines and the market among others, it refuses to release the name of the entity.

Maybe if there's a glare of spotlights on this kind of thing before an atrocity goes down, we can stop it from happening again.

But It could be simply a rumor.

It could be simply a dodge to raise cash for another purpose. Mundane hedge fund privateering. Run of the mill run-on-the-bank robbery.

That’s the damned thing about emergent conspiracies. It doesn’t have to be Carlyle that does the options. It might make more sense in fact if it wasn’t or if it was only a front.

I still remember Rumsfeld announcing on September 10th the D.o’D. couldn’t account for $2 trillion. And after 9/11, floating the idea of “terorism futures” as an investment vehicle. Is this related? Does it make sense? Is it correct?

Sometimes, to paraphrase digby, trying to make sense out of what we’re seeing and hearing is like trying to read druid runes. Certainly trying to figure out what the next move is going to be is like trying set up and solve a differential equation from data written in invisible ink.

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