An Epidemic No One Understands
Well, that's not precisely correct, although more work is definitely needed on it.
Let's look at the epidemiologic facts presented as the disinformation fluff from the Pravda is examined.
Pravda says:

..."People frequently blame air pollution for causing asthma, but its role is not entirely clear. Pollution does makes asthma worse in people who already have the disease, but it’s not known whether pollution also makes asthma develop in the first place. And in any case, air pollution in the United States has decreased in the last few decades. Living in a place with high vehicle exhaust may make asthma worse, but the evidence is “relatively weak,” the researchers report..."
These are doubtless related in funding sources to the same experts who doubt global warming.
On the other hand, there are some really well understood predictors.
Many are in fact associated with urban, especially lower income urban life.
While respiratory infection, allergies, and genetics are contributiong factors, among professionals there is no doubt. Crap in your lungs doesn't help. Bad air makes asthma the big problem it is, whether it's from smoking or air pollution or both.
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