I'm with Steven R on this one:
...What will it take for James Carville to shut the fuck up and recognize credit where credit is due. Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy has been vindicated by the across the board election victories this cycle. Harold Ford is one of the LONE LOSERS of 11-7. I like the guy, but I don't like where he stands on Issues, and I hate the idea of putting a Loser in place to head the DNC when we finally have a winner. James Carville is a fucking tool idiot of the corporate media and DLC Elites...
It's worse that that.

MyDD (Chris Bowers) adds: ...If Howard Dean is ousted as DNC chair, I will start a campaign for all small donors and all netroots activists to stop giving money to the DNC, DSCC, DCCC, DLCC and NGA. This is not an idle threat. Democratic parties and committees will lose tens of millions of dollars every year if they do this. Count on it.
If the Dems fire Dean and replace him with Ford, they become the DINOcrats in my book.
I like the idea of reconstructing the Green party for progressives if the Democrats go DINOcrat Liebercrat, shutting out Dean and the Democratic wing of the party completely now they have some power and money. I would like to see a technologically and economically progressive Green party, not just a club of zealots who want to take the world back to the technological level of the 18th century in order to "save" it.
More of an Al Gore kind of Green. You could run a thriving world- not just world, an interplanetary economy on genetically engineered hydrocarbons and hydrogen. DINOcrats, dump Dean and guarantee your extinction.
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