We obviously can't leave Iraq, because, you know it'd make the Civil War there worse.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 — In the fall of 2005, the generals running the Iraq war told the Senate Armed Services Committee that a gradual withdrawal of American troops from Iraq was imperative.
The American troop presence, Gen. John P. Abizaid and Gen. George W. Casey Jr. said at the time, was stoking the insurgency, fostering dependency among the Iraqi security forces and proving counterproductive for what General Abizaid has called “The Long War” against Islamic radicalism.
This week, General Abizaid, chief of the United States Central Command, told the same committee that American forces may be all that is preventing full-scale civil war in Iraq, so a phased troop withdrawal would be a mistake...
That first gradual withdrawal routine was planned to put the control of what (they thought) was a pacified Iraq into the hands of private security contractors for Cheneyburton, and free up soldiers to fire their lovely weapons at Iran and/or Syria or whoever else the Saudi Royals were troubled by (generating more bucks for United Defense Industries et al.).
But you have to adjust to new Realities. The newest Reality is that to keep the control of the Senate out of Darth Cheney's hands, the Democrats have to listen to Joe Lieberman, the biggest DINOcrat in America since the Viet Nam War.
Hey, if they move enough red-state kids into Iraq, they can have their little party with Iran, too!
That'll work to save our way of life, alright...

There's Right, and then there's right, and never the twain shall meet.
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