For example, for my Seattle friends, the listing for Bangor, WA:
Bangor, WA (2,364 nuclear weapons)
Weapon Systems: TRIDENT SLBMs, SLCMs
Nuclear Weapon Types: 1100 W76s/Trident II D5 SLMBs; 850 W76s/Trident I C4 SLBMs (inactive); 264 W88s/Trident II D5 SLMBs; 150 W80-0s/SLCMs
The ballistic missile submarine base at Bangor, Washington, contains nearly 24 percent of the entire stockpile, or some 2,364 warheads, the largest contingent. The Bangor installation is home to a majority (nine) of the navy’s nuclear- powered ballistic missile submarines and a large number of surplus W76 warheads that will eventually be retired and disassembled. In addition, approximately 150 nuclear sea-launched cruise missiles are stored at the base.
Here's a close up:

See all the nice hangers full of enough nukes to destroy all life on earth? Would you like their exact coordinates?
Before you start yelling at me for posting this, or for Defense Tech for pointing it out- twice- recall that the American public is about the last group of people to have this information.
Russia's had it since they were first built.
China has too.
The Saudi Royals have it, so Al Qaeda does, too. Besides, the CIA would have told them when they were Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan against the Red Menace.
Everybody in Seattle knew about Bangor 20 years ago when I lived there. A long time before Google. It was a target then. If there is a nuclear war, Bangor and most of Puget Sound will be hot plasma within the first 30 minutes. Everybody with the brains of a banana slug there knows it.
Are you chickenhawks scared yet? If so, good. I've been scared since they issued me dog tags in first grade during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Even as a six year old the idiocy of people thinking they could survive a nuclear war was apparent.
Do you understand why there is no chance we can ever surprise anyone with these missiles? Do you understand why it is pointless to have them? Do you understand why the rest of the world hates and fears us?
And do you realize the fundamental folly of Top Secrets that exist only to keep the complacent banana slugs complacent?

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