..."yes, we'll accept the gift of Donald's Rumsfeld's overdue resignation, yet Rumsfeld instead deserves to receive the revolt of our conscience and the judgement of the dead. American and international law ought to deliver humanity's verdict, and that they won't or they can't is why we're expected to dance in the streets when heads are made to roll for our pleasure.
But this is a hydra-headed beast, and none of its heads are irreplaceable. With familiarity it may seem otherwise, which strengthens the illusion of revolution at every changing of the guards. But a palace guards' change is a ceremonial event, which once meant more than nothing, and now means less. Now, it's for the tourists.
For five years there have been worries that the Bush crowd would do more than merely steal elections; they would do away with them altogether. But this is to misunderestimate the nature of late American fascism, which still needs the sustaining fantasies of liberty and representative democracy. Gains by the gentler, junior partners of the Washington Consensus serve this end, and present the impression of change while changing nothing...
What Avedon says:
...The Republicans do very much want us to think that the American people would see impeachment of Bush-Cheney as being in the same mold as the partisan outrage the Republicans committed against William Jefferson Clinton, but the public was outraged because most people understood that what Clinton had done was not the sort of thing that impeachment was designed for, and that the people who were getting on their high-horse about it were a bunch of hypocrites in any event. They didn't want Clinton's private life made, literally, into a federal case. But they know that what Bush and Cheney have done is another matter, and a public investigation of their high crimes will not expose rabid partisanship on the Democratic side, but more of the same on the Republican side.
The Republicans insisted on assigning an independent counsel to investigate the Clintons even though they knew there was nothing to investigate them for. They kept the investigation open and kept pursuing them long after it was clear that there was no There there. And then they made the fatal mistake of insisting on talking about a president's sex life in front of God and everyone, to the horror of most members of the public. Ken Starr's dirty mind disgusted America far more than Clinton's private missteps could ever do. The more they saw, the more it made them sick.
But it's not the suggestion that this president should be investigated that is sickening to the American public - it's the fact that he keeps doing sickening things and getting away with it. A majority of Americans want him to be investigated and, if he is shown to have lied about his reasons for going to war, impeached. They know that this is what impeachment is for - real, genuine, high crimes that have cost thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and the good opinion of mankind.
And the Rude one, of course: Time To Arrest Donald Rumsfeld.
Make no mistakes. We have a slim window of opportunity. If we don't end it now, the Undead

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