Just another Reality-based bubble in the foam of the multiverse.

Friday, March 07, 2008

It's the War That's Tanked the Economy, Stupid

Today Krugman points to the Clintonista skill in policy planning over the Oborg resistance is futile meme generator as the source of her comeback.

Or, "It's the Economy, not the War, stupid".

To which I say: there's a difference? Really?

With $2.5 billion a week being sucked into the Cheneyburton black hole of war for oil for Exxon? And that only counting direct expenditures on the war?

The problem is on the horns of the Right: the NeoCon Empire and the Chicago Boy Economy fundamentalism. Clinton mostly panders to the Imperial, Obama to the Market.

Mostly. Clinton also loves her Company support. Since he's actually become part of the Imperial Senate, Obama votes if not rhetoric have matched Clinton's on the War.

They both lie to their own bases, but vote for the Ba$e where it counts.

We might get a Democratic preznit who can win doing that?

Only if pigs can fly when they catapult porcine propaganda, too.

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